The first official trailer of Avatar, the much anticipated sci-fi movie directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, has finally been released, and it's damned awesome!
Watch below the Avatar movie trailer:
"A paraplegic ex-marine war veteran (Sam Worthington) is unwillingly sent to establish a human settlement on the distant planet of Pandora, only to find himself battling humankind alongside the planet’s indigenous Na’vi race in this ambitious, digital 3-D sci-fi epic from Academy Award-winning Titanic director James Cameron."
James Cameron's Avatar promises to be an unforgettable experience. I'm definitely have to go watch this movie in an IMAX theater to fully enjoy its quality and its marvelous 3D! I'm so impatient for Avatar Day by now!
This Avatar trailer is really making my day. May God bless James Cameron for he brought us the movie Avatar!